leo graetz in Chinese
click here to translate "leo graetz" by computers
- graetz number
- 格雷茨数; 格雷兹数
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- leo
- 【物理学】 =1. low enrichment ordinary water reactor 低浓缩普通水反应堆。2.low earth orbit 【宇航】近地轨道。 n. 1.利奥〔男子名〕。 2.【天文学】狮子座;狮子宫。
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- leo a
- 狮子 a; 狮子座a
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What is the meaning of leo graetz in Chinese and how to say leo graetz in Chinese? leo graetz Chinese meaning, leo graetz的中文,leo graetz的中文,leo graetz的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.